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réfugies polonais en Iran - film
Posté par: Elżbieta (IP Loggée)
Date: 01 octobre, 2013 17:14


The Lost Requiem (1983)

"The Lost Requiem" tells the story of the war-time exodus to Iran of hundreds of thousands of Polish citizens released from the Soviet labour camps of Siberia.
During the two months of April and August 1942, leaking ships crammed with emaciated, men, women and children began arriving at the Caspian port of Anzali (then called Pahlevi).
Their condition was desperate. Within days of their arrival, thousands had died from malnutrition and typhus. Of those who survived, the men travelled onwards to join the armies of the Allied Forces in Syria and Lebanon.
The remainder (mostly women and children) remained in Iranian refugee camps for up to three years, their lives totally transformed in the process.

Re: réfugies polonais en Iran - film
Posté par: niu-nia (IP Loggée)
Date: 01 octobre, 2013 22:39

Dziekuje Elzbieto !!! Un petit caf?

Re: réfugies polonais en Iran - film
Posté par: Anelud (IP Loggée)
Date: 09 octobre, 2013 14:14

Bonjour, la bande annonce du film de Khosrow Sinai: []
Des camps de réfugiés d'Iran, certains orphelins iront en Inde [], d'autres en Nouvelle-Zélande , au Mexique []

Re: réfugies polonais en Iran - film
Posté par: jean pierre (IP Loggée)
Date: 09 octobre, 2013 16:21

nouvelle découverte!!, merci anelud.

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